CityFlor Roses...

CityFlor Roses...

Selected for public green

CityFlor® roses are THE roses for public green spaces. We have selected and propagated only the most hardy roses over many years in our traditional breeding company. All roses in this range are exceptionally robust and healthy and they pass the world’s strictest rose test – the ADR – with distinction.

CityFlor® roses are resistant to fungal diseases and insensitive to difficult conditions such as frost or flooded soil. Continuous monitoring enables us to select the best varieties for current trends and circumstances at any time.

Minimal maintenance

Our CityFlor® roses require only minimal care: sufficient fertilization and consistent pruning in spring guarantee years of enjoyment from roses with long-lasting blooms. Every gardener can plant them easily and at any time without any special knowledge, as they are supplied with a rooted root ball. As soon as they start to grow, they produce a rich bloom already in the year of planting.

All CityFlor® varieties are insect-friendly. Their single to semi-double flowers provide bees and other beneficial insects with the pollen  they need to survive. In autumnl, the attractive rose hips provide vitamin-rich food for numerous bird species. Thanks to these properties, our roses are an ecologically valuable component both in natural gardens and in large cities.

Dense carpet of flowers and foliages

Increasing and prolonged periods of drought are causing problems for people in cities. Innovative ideas are needed to keep land sealing as low as possible in the face of increasing population density without losing sight of climate protection. Small-scale green areas are an ideal solution. They improve the climate in neighborhoods sustainably and cost-effectively and increase the quality of life for residents.

Diverse plantings with low-maintenance shrubs and trees are appealing to our senses, while insects and birds find refuge and food in them. Our CityFlor® roses are ideal for these green areas. After just a short time, they develop a dense carpet of flowers and foliage, shade the ground and reduce evaporation. Our shrub roses and climbing roses make attractive hedges and are used where trees cannot be planted due to a lack of root space.